Logo Ministero dell'istruzione  MINISTERO DELL'ISTRUZIONE
Logo della scuola
I.T.C.G. "G. Cerboni"


Hope this email finds you well. 

We would like to inform you about an exciting partnership opportunity for your school that would allow you to become a part of a global initiative aiming to inspire intellectual curiosity and creativity in young minds across the world. 

We are organising Owlypia competitions for students aged 9-18, and now in our fifth year, we believe it will be a great success with your support. To gain a clearer understanding of this competition, please watch the introductory video below. 


This year we would like to offer three free registrations for Owlypia Online Rounds to your school and encourage young minds to challenge themselves intellectually and broaden their horizons. 

Please fill out the form below to receive free registration for three students: 

Registration Form 

We have organized Owlypia Rounds in more than 70 countries all around the world and we are looking for schools to help us spread the word about Owlypia competitions with their network of schools/school branch. 

We hope to expand our network of partner schools and ensure the success of the Local and Online competitions together. With your cooperation, we believe that we can achieve more and help students become more confident and the best they can be in whatever subject they go for. 

You may also find the details and more information on our website www.owlypia.org

We are looking forward to hearing from you soon on this collaboration opportunity. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.